The L2P Program
About L2P
The L2P program is geared towards youth and others who do not have access to a vehicle or supervisory driver on an ongoing basis to complete the graduated learning system of moving from a learners Permit to a Probationary License.
The program mainly addresses:
Young People (16-25) lacking family support or disengaged from the community
People who are on a low income, socially isolated
Refugees and newly arrived migrants, who experience language barriers
We acknowledge the Ngarrindjeri people as the traditional owners of this land on which we meet and work. We respect and acknowledge their Spiritual connection as the custodians of this land and that their cultural heritage beliefs are still important today.
L2P Mentors
The L2P Learner Driver (Mentee)/Mentor Program assists learners, who do not have access to a supervising driver or vehicle, to gain the 75 hours, or more, driving experience required to apply for a probationary license.
About the Program:
Young people are matched with fully licensed volunteer mentors and have access to a sponsored vehicle, which they can use to gain supervised driving experience. L2P Murraylands is available for youth aged 16 to 25 and others living in the region.
A contribution of $12 per hour mentoring is made by particpating mentees.
The Program does not substitute for professional driving lessons and L2P does not pay for the probationary driving test itself.
Becoming a Volunteer Mentor:
To become a volunteer mentor in the L2P Program, you need:
- to be over 21 years of age
- to hold a current full South Australian driver’s license for at least the last two years
- Requirements we ask each volunteer to achieve before they can become a mentor are:
- Agree to undergo a DHS National Police Clearance
- Complete a 1 hour Volunteers RAN course (Reporting Abuse and Neglect) that addresses the Federal and State Governments 10 National Principles for Child and Youth Safety
- Attend induction sessions with the program organisers and other interested organisations (e.g. SAPOL, Social Worker, RAA etc.)
All checks and training expenses are paid for by the program.
A full copy of the Volunteer Mentor Program and Application are available for download in pdf format.

L2P Mentees
Referral is preferred if you wish to join the L2P program
L2P will enable learner members to complete a section of the Graduated Licensing System. The program assists learner drivers to complete a minimum of 75 hours supervised driving experience, which is certified and recorded by both the learner and the supervising driver(s). The experience must cover a variety of road conditions.
The L2P program is for individuals who meet three or more of the following criteria:
- No access to a vehicle to complete his/her 75 minimum hours of practical driving
- No access to a supervisor who has held a South Australian full license for at least two years
- Has completed one or more practical lessons with a Registered South Australian MDI and been classified as competent to drive with a volunteer supervisory driver.
- Has a Competency Statement signed by your MDI verifying your competency.
This does not include the Keys2Drive Federal Government funded free lesson. Access to the program via referral.
Referrals can come from organisations and agencies such as:
- Community Service Providers
- Regional Councils
- Youth Accommodation
- Juvenile Justice
- Guardianship Board / Foster Parenting
- Education and employment services and schools
- Family member or friend
If you wish to apply or are not connected to any of the above listed organisations, please contact us for an interview in the first instance. At the interview please be prepared to talk openly as to why you wish to participate in the L2P program. A referral from one of the listed organisation will assist in your application.
Please be aware that this program and any one hour practical driving experience you complete is not a session run by a registered driving instructor – it is a session only for recording your times in your log book.
We’re looking for your input.
Adelaide Hills Survey
Complete the sections in pale blue, save the pdf and then email it back to us or print it and drop it off at Vinnies Op Shop in Mt Barker.
Murraylands Survey
Complete the sections within a blue box, save the pdf and then email it back to us or drop it off at 25 Seventh Street, Murray Bridge.
Learner Driver Mentor Program Survey
L2P seeks your assistance in evaluating the need for learner drivers to complete the SA Graduated Learner Driver Scheme.
L2P News
Read our latest news and stories. Learn a bit more about what’s going on at L2P!
L2P Blog #2 – Graduation
Learner Drivers GraduationIn February the first of two L2P Graduations was held in Rural City of Murray Bridge’s Council Chambers. Ebony, Ella and Dylan having completed their 75 hours of the SA Graduated Learner Driver Scheme and passing the On Road Practical test...
L2P Blog – Issue #1
From Go to Whoa 75 hours of practical driving and completing a Hazard Perception test, as well as fulfilling the 12 months of driving is no mean feat. To add to that, the P Licence Practical Test is a far jump from what many of us had to complete those many years ago...
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Mentee Application Form: Service Provider | Self Referred
Each Mentee must complete at least one on road practical session with a Registered South Australian MDI and classified as competent to drive with a supervisory volunteer.
A signed competency form signed by the MDI is required. Download form here.
Mentor Forms: A full copy of the Volunteer Mentor Program and Application are available for download in pdf format: Mentor Program | Application
Please complete and email to or drop off at Johnston Withers Lawyers, Seventh Street Murray Bridge.
An initiative of Energy Education Australia Inc. and the State Government of South Australia supported by:
Contact L2P
Want to learn even more? Please read through our Introduction Booklet, which consolidates much of the content of this webpage, why L2P exists, community engagment, and more about sponsorship etc.